Investing in Water Footprint and Virtual Water Trade

Water is the lifeblood of our planet, but its sustainable use is one of the major challenges of our time. With Marillion Exchange, you can be part of the solution by investing in Water Footprint and Virtual Water Trade initiatives.

Marillion introduces a groundbreaking opportunity to finance sustainable water use and be at the forefront of the water revolution. Our water offset program offers a unique approach to fund sustainable water projects upfront by leveraging the sale of sustainable water reduction thereby creating water credits which can be traded to companies looking to reduce their water footprint . Water is a vital resource, and the need for responsible water stewardship is growing. By investing in water credits, you can contribute to water conservation, restoration, and community empowerment

Key Features

Background: Water Footprint

Exploring Virtual Water Trade

Virtual water trade refers to the concept that water is not only consumed directly by individuals or used for irrigation, but also embedded in the production and trade of goods and commodities. It quantifies the amount of water required to produce a particular product or commodity, taking into account the water used throughout the supply chain, including the production, processing, and transportation stages.

When a country imports goods or commodities, it is essentially importing the virtual water associated with those products. For example, if a country imports wheat, it is also importing the water that was used to grow, irrigate, and process the wheat in the exporting country. This allows countries with limited water resources to rely on water-rich countries for their food and commodity needs.

The concept of virtual water trade highlights the global interdependence of water resources and provides insights into the water footprint of different regions. It allows for the assessment of water scarcity and the identification of potential imbalances between water availability and consumption. By analyzing virtual water flows, policymakers, businesses, and researchers can gain a better understanding of the water implications of trade and make informed decisions to ensure sustainable water management.

Virtual water trade can play a crucial role in water-stressed regions, as it allows for the optimization of water resources by focusing on the production of goods and commodities in areas with abundant water availability. It also provides an opportunity for countries to address water scarcity challenges by promoting efficient water use and considering the water implications of their trade decisions.

By incorporating virtual water considerations into trade policies and decision-making processes, countries can work towards a more sustainable and water-efficient global economy. This approach encourages responsible water management, promotes water conservation, and contributes to the overall goal of achieving water security and sustainability at a global scale.

Companies importing products, particularly in agriculture, have a significant virtual water footprint resulting from the embedded water in the production and trade of goods.

The concept of virtual water trade highlights the need for companies to address their water footprint by considering the water implications of their supply chains.

To offset their virtual water footprint and promote water sustainability, companies can participate in water credit programs.

Water credits allow companies to invest in water-saving schemes and projects that contribute to water conservation and efficiency.

By purchasing water credits, companies support initiatives aimed at reducing water consumption, implementing efficient irrigation systems, and promoting sustainable water management practices.

The funds from these water credits are used to implement projects such as:

  • Adoption of advanced irrigation technologies, such as drip irrigation, precision agriculture, and smart water management systems.
  • Implementation of water-efficient practices in agricultural operations, including optimized irrigation scheduling, soil moisture monitoring, and water recycling.
  • Conservation measures in industrial processes and manufacturing, such as water recycling and reuse systems, and water-efficient equipment.
  • Investing in water-saving schemes helps companies offset their virtual water footprint by supporting projects that conserve water resources and promote sustainable water use.
  • Through these initiatives, companies contribute to water stewardship, reduce their environmental impact, and demonstrate their commitment to corporate social responsibility.
  • Offsetting virtual water footprint through water credits aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, and Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production.


Opportunities: Efficient Irrigation Systems in Agriculture

Drip Irrigation: Drip irrigation delivers water directly to the roots of plants in a slow, precise manner, minimizing water loss through evaporation and runoff. It is particularly effective in areas with limited water resources or arid climates. Drip irrigation systems can be customized to different crop types and field conditions, ensuring optimal water distribution and maximizing crop yields.

Precision Sprinkler Systems: Modern sprinkler systems utilize advanced technology to precisely control water applications. These systems can be programmed to deliver water only to specific areas that need irrigation, avoiding unnecessary watering of non-target areas. They can also adjust water distribution based on soil moisture levels and weather conditions, optimizing water usage and reducing waste.

Soil Moisture Sensors: Soil moisture sensors provide real-time data on soil moisture levels, enabling farmers to irrigate only when necessary. These sensors can be integrated with irrigation systems, automatically triggering irrigation when moisture levels reach a certain threshold and preventing overwatering. By ensuring that plants receive the right amount of water at the right time, farmers can minimize water usage and enhance crop health.

Micro-Sprinkler Systems: Micro-sprinkler systems use low-pressure nozzles to deliver water in a fine mist, reducing water loss through evaporation. These systems are suitable for a variety of crops and can be adjusted to different irrigation requirements. They promote uniform water distribution and can be combined with other water-saving techniques, such as mulching, to further improve water efficiency.

Remote Monitoring and Control: Utilizing IoT (Internet of Things) technology, remote monitoring and control systems enable farmers to monitor and manage their irrigation systems from anywhere. These systems provide real-time data on water usage, soil moisture levels, and weather conditions, allowing farmers to make informed decisions about irrigation scheduling and optimize water efficiency.

Water-Efficient Landscaping

Investing in water-wise landscaping techniques such as native plant species, smart irrigation controllers, and rainwater harvesting systems.  These measures reduce water consumption in residential, commercial, and public landscaping projects.

Golf Course Water Management

Investing in water management strategies for golf courses, including turfgrass selection, irrigation system upgrades, and water-efficient maintenance practices.

These initiatives can significantly reduce water consumption while maintaining course aesthetics and playability.

Water Recycling and Reuse

Investing in water recycling and reuse systems for industrial, commercial, and residential applications.

Examples include greywater recycling systems, rainwater harvesting systems, and wastewater treatment technologies.

These solutions reduce reliance on freshwater sources and promote sustainable water management.

Water-Efficient Infrastructure

Investing in water-efficient fixtures and technologies in new construction projects.

Examples include low-flow toilets, water-efficient showerheads, dual-flush mechanisms, and smart water meters.

These measures reduce water consumption in residential and commercial buildings.

Typical values for the volume of water required to produce common foodstuffs:

FoodstuffQuantityWater Consumption (litres)
Chocolate1 kg17,196
Beef1 kg15,415
Sheep Meat1 kg.10,412
Pork1 kg5,988
Butter1 kg5,553
Chicken meat1 kg4,325
Cheese1 kg3,178
Olives1 kg3,025
Rice1 kg2,497
Cotton1 @ 250g2,495
Pasta (dry)1 kg1.849
Bread1 kg1.608
Pizza1 unit1.239
Apple1 kg822
Banana1 kg790
Potatoes1 kg287
Milk1 x 250ml glass255
Cabbage1 kg237
Tomato1 kg214

Average Household Water Usage:


Annual Water Usage: Approximately 300-400 cubic meters per year

Equivalent to: 300,000-400,000 liters or 79,251-105,669 gallons per year

Note: This is a rough estimate and actual usage may vary based on individual habits and practices.


Annual Water Usage: Around 100-150 cubic meters per year

Equivalent to: 100,000-150,000 liters or 26,417-39,625 gallons per year

Note: This is a rough estimate and actual usage may vary based on individual habits and practices.


Annual Water Usage: Approximately 200-300 cubic meters per year

Equivalent to: 200,000-300,000 liters or 52,834-79,251 gallons per year

Note: This is a rough estimate and actual usage may vary based on individual habits and practices.


Annual Water Usage: Around 150-250 cubic meters per year

Equivalent to: 150,000-250,000 liters or 39,625-66,042 gallons per year

Note: This is a rough estimate and actual usage may vary based on individual habits and practices.


Annual Water Usage: Approximately 30-100 cubic meters per year

Equivalent to: 30,000-100,000 liters or 7,925-26,417 gallons per year

Note: This is a rough estimate and actual usage may vary based on individual habits and practices.

Investment Process for Water Credits

Understanding the Impact

Learn about the significance of water conservation and the benefits of investing in water credits. Water credits play a vital role in offsetting water footprints, supporting sustainable practices, and contributing to the global effort to conserve water resources.

Selecting the Investment Volume

Choose the desired investment volume in water credits. We offer options that suit various investment preferences, from individual households to businesses and institutions.

Contribution to Water Saving Projects

Your investment in water credits will be channeled towards water-saving initiatives. These projects could include the implementation of efficient irrigation systems in agriculture, upgrading water infrastructure in urban areas, promoting water recycling, and supporting conservation efforts in critical water sources.

Impact Monitoring and Verification

Transparency and accountability are essential in water credit investments. We have established robust monitoring and verification mechanisms to ensure that the water-saving projects are effectively implemented and producing the desired impact

Returns from Water Credits

As a water credits investor, you will receive returns based on the successful water-saving outcomes achieved by the projects. These returns may come in the form of credits, certificates, or financial incentives, depending on the structure of the specific investment.

Supporting Sustainability

By investing in water credits, you are not only offsetting your own water footprint but also contributing to the overall sustainability of the regions where water-saving projects are being implemented. Your investment plays a crucial role in creating a positive impact on the environment and local communities.

Engaging in the Journey

Become part of the journey towards a more water-conscious future. Join hands with us and other investors to collectively combat water scarcity and create a lasting positive change for the planet.

Why Choose Marillion Exchange for Water Investments?

By investing in water credits, you are supporting water-saving projects that generate tangible water savings and credits. These credits can then be sold or traded to companies and organizations that are looking to reduce their water footprint and meet their sustainability goals.

The MarillionEx platform serves as a marketplace where these water credits can be bought and sold, creating a transparent and efficient exchange for water-saving efforts. Companies that need to offset their water usage can purchase these credits from investors who have contributed to the water-saving projects. This creates a win-win situation where investors see returns on their investments while companies can effectively offset their water consumption and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.

The MarillionEx platform not only facilitates the buying and selling of water credits but also provides real-time data and tracking of water-saving projects’ progress. This ensures that investors and buyers have full visibility into the impact of their contributions, promoting trust and accountability in the water credits market.

Investing in water credits offers a powerful and multifaceted approach to driving positive change. By supporting water saving initiatives, such as efficient irrigation systems, investors actively contribute to conserving this precious resource. Simultaneously, these initiatives lead to carbon savings, helping to combat climate change. The combination of water and carbon credits creates a comprehensive investment opportunity that aligns with sustainability goals and responsible investing principles. Investors can now make a real difference, not only in securing our water future but also in curbing carbon emissions and building a more resilient and eco-friendly world. It’s a dynamic and impactful way to invest, paving the path towards a more sustainable and thriving planet for generations to come.

Through this innovative approach, MarillionEx brings together individuals, businesses, and communities in a collaborative effort to address water scarcity and foster a more sustainable and water-conscious future.

Water Credits Investments Annual Returns

Мз H20S/UnitCO2/yr12345678910
Year11121314151617181920Total Gross